Table de [804:1] Kibl1976

[804:1] Kibl1976: KIBLER, W. W. (éd.), Eleanor of Aquitaine. Patron and Politician, Austin / London, 1976. Contient:

[128b] Balt1976 = BALTZER, R. A., Music in the Life and Times of Eleanor d’Aquitaine, pp. 61-80. Aucun texte occitan complet; 

[323α] Brow1976 = BROWN, E. A. R., Eleanor of Aquitaine: Parent, Queen and Duchess, dans: [804:1] Kibl1976, pp. 9-34.

183-Vida (p. 25)

[899c:2] Laza1976 = LAZAR, M., Cupid, the Lady, and the Poet: Modes of Love at Eleanor of Aquitaine’s Court, pp. 35-59. Aucun texte occitan complet

Voir liste des publications de W. W. Kibler