Publication de S. Huot

[727:0c] Huot1989 Voices and Instuments in Medieval French Secular Music: On the Use of Literary texts as evidence for Performance Practice, dans: J99a-MuDi, t. 43  (1989).  pp. 63-113.
[727:0d] Huot1992

Visualization and Memory: The Illustration of Troubadour Lyric in a Thirteenth-Century Manuscript, dans: J65a-Gest, t. 30  (1992) 1.  pp. 3-14.

[727:0a] Huot1994 Languages of Love: Vernacular Motets on the Tenor FLOS FILIUS EJUS, dans: J56a-Ellf (= M49a-SMDK), pp. 169-180. Aucun texte occitan complet.

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