Publications de M. Shapiro

[1469] Shap1976 The Figure of the Watchman in the Provençal Erotic `Alba', dans: J95-MLNo, t. 91 (1976), pp. 607-639.
[1469a] Shap1978 The Provençal `Trobairitz' and the Limits of Courtly Love, dans: J145a-Signs, t. 3 (1978), pp. 560-571.
[1470] Shap1981 The Decline of `Joi' in the Provençal `Planh', dans: J77-KRQu, t. 28 (1981), pp. 351-369.
[1470a] Shap1981a `Tenson’ et `partimen’: la `tenson fictive’, dans: A8a-CILF-14, pp. 287-301.
[1471] Shap1984 `Entrebescar los motz': Word-Weaving and Divine Rhetoric in Medieval Romance Lyric, dans: J169-ZfrP, t. 100 (1984), pp. 355-383.

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