

Medium Aevum


(ordre alphabétique des auteurs)


[599:0c] Fras1991

FRASSO, G., Per Lodovico Castelvetro. Autografi dimenticati di Lodovico Castelvetro, dans: t. 65 (1991), pp. 454-478.

[618a]  Gaun1986

GAUNT, S. B., Did Marcabru Know the Tristan Legend ?, dans: t. 55, (1986), pp. 108-113.

[620:0] Gaun1990 GAUNT, S., Marginal Men, Marcabru and Orthodoxy: the Early Troubadours and Adultery, dans: t. 59 (1990), pp. 55-72.



GORTON, T. J., Arabic Words and Refrains in Provençal and Portuguese Poetry, dans: t. 45 (1976), pp. 257-264. Aucun texte occitan complet



KAY, S., Continuation as Criticism: the Case of Jaufre Rudel, dans: t. 56 (1987), pp. 46-64.

[901:1α-2] Légl1997

LEGLU, C., Defamation in the troubadour sirventes: legislation and lyric poetry, dans: t. 66 (1997) 1, pp. 28-41.



MALKIEL, J., The Derivation of Old French Servantois, Old Provençal Sirventes, dans: t. 54 (1987) , pp. 272-274.



MARSHALL, J. H., On the text and the interpretation of a poem of Raimbaut d'Orange (Cars, douz; ed. Pattison, I), dans: t. 37 (1968), pp. 12-36.

[1188a] Pate1982

PATERSON, L. M., Great Court Festivals in the South of France and Catalonia in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, dans : t. 51 (1982), pp. 213-224.

[1421:1] Sarg1974

SARGENT, B. N., Mediaeval “rire”, “ridere”: A Laughing Matter?, dans: t. 43 (1974), pp. 131.



SHARMAN, R. V., Giraut de Borneil: `Maestre dels Trobadors’, dans: t. 52 (1983), pp. 63-76. Aucun texte occitan complet



(ordre chronologique)


t. 37



MARSHALL, J. H., On the text and the interpretation of a poem of Raimbaut d'Orange (Cars, douz; ed. Pattison, I), dans: t. 37 (1968), pp. 12-36.

t. 43 [1421:1] Sarg1974

SARGENT, B. N., Mediaeval “rire”, “ridere”: A Laughing Matter?, dans: t. 43 (1974), pp. 131.

t. 45



GORTON, T. J., Arabic Words and Refrains in Provençal and Portuguese Poetry, dans: t. 45 (1976), pp. 257-264. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 51 [1188a] Pate1982

PATERSON, L. M., Great Court Festivals in the South of France and Catalonia in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, dans : t. 51 (1982), pp. 213-224.

t. 52



SHARMAN, R. V., Giraut de Borneil: `Maestre dels Trobadors’, dans: t. 52 (1983), pp. 63-76. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 54 [982a:2]


MALKIEL, J., The Derivation of Old French Servantois, Old Provençal Sirventes, dans: t. 54 (1987) , pp. 272-274.
t. 55 [618a]  Gaun1986

GAUNT, S. B., Did Marcabru Know the Tristan Legend ?, dans: t. 55, (1986), pp. 108-113.

t. 56



KAY, S., Continuation as Criticism: the Case of Jaufre Rudel, dans: t. 56 (1987), pp. 46-64.

t. 59 [620:0] Gaun1990 GAUNT, S., Marginal Men, Marcabru and Orthodoxy: the Early Troubadours and Adultery, dans: t. 59 (1990), pp. 55-72.
t. 65 [599:0c] Fras1991

FRASSO, G., Per Lodovico Castelvetro. Autografi dimenticati di Lodovico Castelvetro, dans: t. 65 (1991), pp. 454-478.

t. 66 [901:1α-2] Légl1997

LEGLU, C., Defamation in the troubadour sirventes: legislation and lyric poetry, dans: t. 66 (1997) 1, pp. 28-41.

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