

Romanic Review


(ordre alphabétique des auteurs)




FABRE, C., Un poème inédit de Pierre Cardinal: `Si totz temps vols viure valents e pros', dans: t. 11 (1920), pp. 195-222.



GRAVDAL, K., Camouflaging Rape: the Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in the Medieval Pastourelle, dans: t. 71 (1985), pp. 361-373. Aucun texte occitan complet

[663:2a] Grav1992

GRAVDAL, K., Metaphor, Metonymy, and the Medieval Women Trobairitz, dans: t. 83 (1992) 4, pp. 411-426.



LEWENT, K., An Old Provençal Chanson de Mal Mariée, dans: t. 37 (1946), pp. 3-19.

[940a] Lewe1960a LEWENT, K., Was There a One-Stanza Provençal Tenson?, dans:  t. 51 (1960), pp. 81-85.
[1101:1b] Moor1913:1/2

MOORE, O. H., The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature, dans: t. 4 (1913), pp. 1-26.

[1101:1b] Moor1914:2/2

MOORE, O. F., The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature, dans: t.5 (1914), pp. 45-54.

[1165A] Pade1989b PADEN, W. D., Rape in the Pastourelle, dans:  t. 80 (1989), pp. 331-349.
[1351b:2] Rose1989

ROSENSTEIN, R. S., “Mouvance” and the Editor as Scribe: “Transcrittore Traditore”?, dans: t. 80, (1989), pp. 157-171.

[1484c] Siga1993

SIGAL, G., The Pit or the Pedestal? The Dichotomization of the Lady in Troubadour Lyric, dans: t. 84 (1993), pp. 109-142.



SWITTEN, M. L., Metrical and Musical Structure in the Songs of Peirol, dans: t. 51 (1960), pp. 241-255. Aucun texte occitan complet

[1619b] Vitz1997

VITZ, E. B., Rereading Rape in Medieval Literature: Literary, Historical, and Theoretical Reflections, dans: t. 88 (1997), pp. 1-26. Aucun texte occitan complet

[1619b] Vlec1993

VLECK, A. VAN, Rigaut de Berbezilh and the Wild Sound: Implications of a Lyric Bestiary, dans: t. 84 (1993), pp. 223-240.



ZUMTHOR, P., Des paragrammes chez les troubadours?, dans: t. 65 (1979), pp. 1-13. Aucun texte occitan complet

[1668D] Zumt1975a

ZUMTHOR, P., Du nouveau sur la poésie des troubadours et trouvères, dans: t. 58 (1975), pp. 85-92.



(ordre chronologique/des tomes de la série)


t. 4 [1101:1b] Moor19131/2

MOORE, O. H., The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature, dans: t. 4 (1913), pp. 1-26.

t.5 [1101:1b] Moor1914:2/2

MOORE, O. F., The Young King, Henry Plantagenet (1155-1183) in Provençal and Italian Literature, dans: t.5 (1914), pp. 45-54.

t. 11



FABRE, C., Un poème inédit de Pierre Cardinal: `Si totz temps vols viure valents e pros', dans: t. 11 (1920), pp. 195-222.

t. 37



LEWENT, K., An Old Provençal Chanson de Mal Mariée, dans: t. 37 (1946), pp. 3-19.

t. 51

[940a] Lewe1960a LEWENT, K., Was There a One-Stanza Provençal Tenson?, dans:  t. 51 (1960), pp. 81-85.



SWITTEN, M. L., Metrical and Musical Structure in the Songs of Peirol, dans: t. 51 (1960), pp. 241-255. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 58 [1668D] Zumt1975a

ZUMTHOR, P., Du nouveau sur la poésie des troubadours et trouvères, dans: t. 66 (1975), pp. 85-92.

t. 65



ZUMTHOR, P., Des paragrammes chez les troubadours?, dans: t. 65 (1979), pp. 1-13. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 71



GRAVDAL, K., Camouflaging Rape: the Rhetoric of Sexual Violence in the Medieval Pastourelle, dans: t. 71 (1985), pp. 361-373. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 80 [1165A] Pade1989b PADEN, W. D., Rape in the Pastourelle, dans:  t. 80 (1989), pp. 331-349.
[1351b:2] Rose1989

ROSENSTEIN, R. S., “Mouvance” and the Editor as Scribe: “Transcrittore Traditore”?, dans: t. 80, (1989), pp. 157-171.

t. 83 [663:2a] Grav1992

GRAVDAL, K., Metaphor, Metonymy, and the Medieval Women Trobairitz, dans: t. 83 (1992) 4, pp. 411-426.

t. 84 [1484c] Siga1993

SIGAL, G., The Pit or the Pedestal? The Dichotomization of the Lady in Troubadour Lyric, dans: t. 84 (1993), pp. 109-142.

[1619b] Vlec1993

VLECK, A. VAN, Rigaut de Berbezilh and the Wild Sound: Implications of a Lyric Bestiary, dans: t. 84 (1993), pp. 223-240.

t. 88 [1619b] Vitz1997

VITZ, E. B., Rereading Rape in Medieval Literature: Literary, Historical, and Theoretical Reflections, dans: t. 88 (1997), pp. 1-26. Aucun texte occitan complet

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