


A Journal


Mediaeval Studies

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BRUCKNER, M. T., Fictions of the Female Voice: The Women Troubadours, dans: t. 67 (1992), pp. 865-891. Aucun texte occitan complet

[422:2] Cham1941

CHAMBERS, F. M., Some legends concerning Eleanor of Aquitaine, dans: t. 16 (1941), pp. 459-468.



CHAMBERS, F. M., Three troubadour Poems with Historical Overtones, dans: t. 54 (1979), pp. 42-54.



LEWENT, K., The Catalan Troubadour Cerveri and his Contemporary, the Joglar Guillem de Cervera, dans: t. 38 (1963), pp. 461-472. Aucun texte occitan complet



McCASH, J. H. MARTIN, Marie de Champagne and Eleanor of Aquitaine: a Relationship Reexamined, dans: t. 54 : 4 (1979), pp. 698-711. Aucun texte occitan complet



MONSON, D. A., The Troubadour's Lady Reconsidered Again, dans: t. 70 (1995), pp. 255-274. Aucun texte occitan complet



NYKL, A. R., Leo Spitzer. L'amour lointain de Jaufré Rudel et le sens de la poésie des troubadours, dans: t. 20 (1945), pp. 252-258.

[1165a:0a] Pade1993b

PADEN, W. D., Old Occitan as a Lyric Language. The Insertions from Occitan in Three Thirteenth-Century French Romances, dans: t. 68 (1993), pp. 36-53.

[1328a:4] Robe1951a

ROBERTSON, W. D., The doctrine of charity in medieval literary gardens, dans: t. 26 (1951), pp. 24-49.

[1452:2] Schu1958

SCHUTZ, A. H., Some Provençal Words Indicative of Knowledge, dans: t. 33 (1958), pp. 508-514.



SHEPARD, W. P., Two Derivitive Songs by Aimeric de Peguilhan, dans: t. 2 (1927), pp. 296-309.



THROOP, P. A., Criticism of Papal Crusade Policy in Old French and Provençal, dans: t. 13 (1938), pp. 379-412. Aucun texte occitan complet

[1158c] Pade1980a

PADEN, W. D., “De monachis rithmos facientibus”. Hélinant de Froidmont, Bertran de Born and the Cistercian General Chapter of 1199, dans: t. 55 (1980) 4, pp. 669-685.

[1599:1] Vale2002

VALENTE, C., “The Lament of Edward II”: Reliquíous Lvríc, Political Propaquanda, dans: t. 77 (2002), pp. 422-439.



(ordre chronologique)


t. 2



SHEPARD, W. P., Two Derivitive Songs by Aimeric de Peguilhan, dans: t. 2 (1927), pp. 296-309.

t. 13



THROOP, P. A., Criticism of Papal Crusade Policy in Old French and Provençal, dans: t. 13 (1938), pp. 379-412. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 16 [422:2] Cham1941

CHAMBERS, F. M., Some legends concerning Eleanor of Aquitaine, dans: t. 16 (1941), pp. 459-468.

t. 20



NYKL, A. R., Leo Spitzer. L'amour lointain de Jaufré Rudel et le sens de la poésie des troubadours, dans: t. 20 (1945), pp. 252-258.

t. 26 [1328a:4] Robe1951a

ROBERTSON, W. D., The doctrine of charity in medieval literary gardens, dans: t. 26 (1951), pp. 24-49.

t. 33 [1452:2] Schu1958

SCHUTZ, A. H., Some Provençal Words Indicative of Knowledge, dans: t. 33 (1958), pp. 508-514.

t. 38



LEWENT, K., The Catalan Troubadour Cerveri and his Contemporary, the Joglar Guillem de Cervera, dans: t. 38 (1963), pp. 461-472. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 54



CHAMBERS, F. M., Three troubadour Poems with Historical Overtones, dans: t. 54 (1979), pp. 42-54.

[1011b] McCa1979 McCASH, J. H. MARTIN, Marie de Champagne and Eleanor of Aquitaine: a Relationship Reexamined, dans: t. 54 : 4 (1979), pp. 698-711. Aucun texte occitan complet
t. 55 [1158c] Pade1980a

PADEN, W. D., “De monachis rithmos facientibus”. Hélinant de Froidmont, Bertran de Born and the Cistercian General Chapter of 1199, dans: t. 55 (1980) 4, pp. 669-685.

t. 67



BRUCKNER, M. T., Fictions of the Female Voice: The Women Troubadours, dans: t. 67 (1992), pp. 865-891. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 68 [1165a:0a] Pade1993b

PADEN, W. D., Old Occitan as a Lyric Language. The Insertions from Occitan in Three Thirteenth-Century French Romances, dans: t. 68 (1993), pp. 36-53.

t. 70



MONSON, D. A., The Troubadour's Lady Reconsidered Again, dans: t. 70 (1995), pp. 255-274. Aucun texte occitan complet

t. 77 [1599:1] Vale2002

VALENTE, C., “The Lament of Edward II”: Reliquíous Lvríc, Political Propaquanda, dans: t. 77 (2002), pp. 422-439.

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