Publications de R. C. Cholakian

[441:2] Chol1971 The William P. Shepard Collection of Provençalia. A Critical Bibliography, Clinton, N. Y., 1971.
[441:3] Chol1987 Marcabrun's `A la fontana del vergier': a Hybrid Form, dans: J160-Tenso, t. 3 (1987), pp. 1-14. Aucun texte occitan complet.
[441:3a] Chol1990 The troubadour lyric. A psychocritical reading, Manchester - New York, 1990 (Compte rendu: [723:1] Huch1991). ???
[441:4] Chol1989 Marcabru and the Art of Courtly Misogyny, dans: J102-NMit, t. 90 (1989), pp. 195-206. Aucun texte occitan complet.

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