Publications de F. Goldin

[654a] Gold1967 The Law's Homage to Grace: Peire Cardenal's `Vera Vergena, Maria', dans: J135-RPhi, t. 20 (1967), pp. 466-477.
[654:0c] Godd1987a

GODDARD, R. N. B., Colour-Symbolism in the Troubadour Marcabru and His Followers, dans: J117-ReMS, t. 13 (1987), pp. 3-23.

[655] Gold1983 Lyrics of the Troubadours and Trouvères, Gloucester, Mass., 1983 (réimpr. de l'édition de 1973)(Compte rendu: [696:0] Haml1975).
[655:0] Gold1984 Walther versus Reinmar: the Regeneration of Poetic Language in Medieval German Literature, dans: [547a] Ebin1984, pp. 57-92.

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